Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Peer fall over - Essay ExampleFurthermore, the number of sources referred to is adequate, conclusion that a good level of research was conducted. The references contain all the necessary elements which means that the information provided derriere be easily traced to their sources. The paper is well formatted but not without a few lapses. The abstract for pillow slip is centered while it should have been left aligned. Yet another point of weakness is the lack of a title after the abstract. In any case, the body of the text should always begin on a new page, different from the abstract.As earlier stated, the language used is widely correct but a few minor errors occur. Grammatical errors mainly occur in cases where the sentences are longer than usual. In this sense, the writer can improve by focusing on breaking the long sentences into shorter ones.Each student in the course will have the opportunity to review another students research paper. brushup partners will be assigned base d on students working on the various genocides. The peer review must be submitted through VSpace to me and bring in one copy for the paper writer on the day of the poster

Monday, April 29, 2019

International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International grocery store - Essay ExampleIt provides the facility of discounts at Mulberry shops to its shareholders who own the 500 shares with the lodge (Morley 2011). The company operates on a large scale, having stores doneout the UK and across the world including Europe, Australia, and Asia. It aims at expanding its base by increase the output of leather bags in the UK. Mulberry Handbags represent the symbol of Englands distinctiveness and look along with the lifestyle of the people of Britain. This brand is mostly preferred by ladies and is one of their best choices. The uniqueness lies in the readiness of exclusively forgeed handbags that are available at reasonable prices. This brand provides products that represent ideal price, design, style and quality all provided at a single point. Mulberry has produced some top class products worry Bayswater handbags and Roxanna handbags with the new unique designs styles. Therefore, Mulberry provides stylish and durable hand bags at reasonable prices. The company also operates through various online stores that provide handbags of all models and styles to the various consumers in the merchandise (Morley 2011). The company aims to go for internationalisation in India in order to reach new market and expand its customer base. The reason lies in increasing the sales and earns increasing profits by providing uniquely designed and prodigality leather goods to the potential customers. India has the snatch largest population in the world and this will provide the brand a large market dummy to grow and expand. Situational Analysis The situational analysis has been done in order to analyse the environsal conditions of the Indian market which will help to develop the marketing plan and enforce the expansion strategy in the Indian market. Socio-Cultural Environment Social cultural environment has an important role to play in when a company takes decision to take part international market. This environment i ncludes all the portions that are not included in economic or political aspects. The social cultural environment on broader parameter consists of complete range of behaviours patterns and relationships of the individuals in their personal lives. The basic factors that are included in the social cultural analysis of the market include characteristics of population of the market, values and attitudes and lifestyles and relationships (Hollensen 2008). Mulberry is a company of British origin which is well known for its luxury leather goods. The company is willing to engage itself in international trade by expanding and entering the Indian market (Morley 2011). The company needs to give emphasis on understanding the Social cultural environment of India before taking the final decision to enter the market. Along with this the company needs to understand this to design its products in such a manner that it is able to align its working with the requirements of the country like India it is initiating to enter (Wilson and Gilligan 1997). Competitive Analysis For the purpose of competitive analysis of the PEST and porters analysis of the market is conducted in order to identify the environment which is to be faced by the company willing to get along its functions in India (Fill 2006). The major factors are discussed in detail as under. PEST Analysis Political Factors This factor indicates the degree of intervention of the government in the functioning of the economy. India is the biggest democracy of the world and type of government

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Law for Business Assignment Brief Case (The Water Cooler Disaster) Essay

Law for Business fitting Brief Case (The Water Cooler Disaster) - Essay ExampleIn this scenario, on that point is clearly an agreement, whereby the bargainer promises to deliver 100 water coolers and 1000 50 litre replacement bottles of water in proceeds for a consideration of ? 6000. There is the intention to create legally binding agreement, which is evidenced in piece through the cost of the contract. Consequently, a contract exists between the trader and the company. Contractual terms define the liability of both parties to a contract. A failure to comply in full with a performance of an obligation, devoid of any lawful excuse, is a breach of the contract. In a contract for the sale of goods, there argon both the channel and implied conditions. Express conditions are usually spelt out in the contract, while about implied terms are statutorily derived. This scenario involves a contract of sale of goods. A contract for sale of goods is defined at section 1 of the Sale of Goods recreate 1979 to mean a contract by which the vender transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called price. Therefore, beside the express terms in the contract, the terms implied by the Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982, shall apply. The Company can recover change from the trader for breach of the contract. ... With regards to the express terms, the contract stipulates that the trader was to provide water coolers that fill up standard coat replacement bottles which are widely available. However, the water coolers actually supplied were not of universal size and design and it go forth not be possible to buy replacement bottles. This is breach of a condition. A condition is a term that goes to the root of the contract, the breach of which entitles the innocent party to terminate the contract and to have compensation of the damages awarded. In Behn V. Burness1 a ship was stated in the contract of charter party to be r ight away in Amsterdam. The fact that the ship was not in the port at the date of the contract carry through the charter from performance. Section 13(1) of sale of goods Act 1979 provides that where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied condition that the goods will correspond with description. In this scenario, the water coolers to be delivered were described to be able to take standard sized replacement bottles. Therefore, this was a condition implied on the contract by the Sale of Goods Act 1979. To add, Sale of Goods Act implies the condition that the goods sold ought to be of merchantable quality. Section 14(2) stipulates that where seller sells goods in the course of action of business, there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract are of merchantable quality, except that there is no much(prenominal) condition- (b) If the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made, as regards defects which that exa mination ought to reveal. Consequently, there is evidently breach of conditions both express and implied. A breach of a condition entitles the injured party to damages. In this scenario, the

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Letters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Letters - Essay ExampleThis draws reference to the way they have mistreated the total darkness population at the time they pray. Freedom has been denied and this is what disappoints King.Ethical argument By informing his audience that he is not unmindful of the fact that a number of them have taken steps in handling the issue amicably, he implies that he is sensitive. This wins the clergymens love after he has admonished their poor leadership. He finds it definitive to appreciate the efforts sop far involved so that they can keep on improving.King decides to give tongue to this way after realizing that most black people were being discriminated in church matters and therefore it is controlling that this kind of attitude is discouraged among the clergymen. The church essentially should unit people. Their grievances were not being put forward. He realized that demonstrations had increased among the African American populace following the bad treatment they received from otherwise white people in the United States of

Friday, April 26, 2019

Reconstructing Keynesian Argument Research Paper

Reconstructing Keynesian competition - Research Paper ExampleKeynes deviates from what the authorized economists majorly focus upon, for the reason that he had been surrounded by neoclassical and Neo-Classical thinkers throughout his life, yet his ideas have a strong reliance to the Classical Thought and form an inspiration from this school of economic thought (Tarshis). Keynes strongly believes that the Classical Economic Theory focused on a specific, exceptional, rather than a general condition of economic theory, namely the strong emphasis on prices and return as a determinant of the overall employment level of a country. He demonstrated this with rate to the Great Depression and concluded that the Classical focus was too narrow to apply in general. The Classical economists formulated the concepts which made us believe that we can drive the economy check to set preferences and likes, exactly in reality, it is difficult to so influentially affect the various economic forces which alter the real conditions. Hence, according to Keynes, the Classical Economic Theory is not sufficient to explain the general economic conditions. This gave rise to The oecumenical Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, which focuses on general activity, unlike the Classical case. Building upon the concepts of employment, interest, and money, Keynes was not just an economist who provided pith theoretical concepts, rather he believed in the formulation of sound economic policy through the drill of those concepts (Johnson). Keynes theory, therefore, was not just focused on one particular direction of economic activity, but truly covered everything from the basics (prices, supply, demand, wages, employment, saving, investment, capital etc.) to actually applying those concepts practically, as economic policies.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

A winning marketing campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A winning marketing campaign - Essay ExampleWith its headquarters in Spain, Zara has managed to establish stores in over 80 countries a clear indication of how big their fashion grasp is. From 2007, Zara stores have embraced wide range of men, women and kids clothing each divided into various categories such as upper garment, lower garment, cosmetics, shoes, complement among many new arrivals (ZARA). Following the emerging trend with regards to mens collection, Zara impart be launching a new collection of jackets for men. Fitting the 7ps of marketing as soundly as an effective promotional strategy a winning marketing campaign for the new ware go forth be embraced by the marketing team with an aim of creating awareness of its launch and producing the anticipated pelf for the brand.Foc development on three key objectives which are, presenting the relevant information for the new product to be launched, change magnitude the demand for the product and differentiating the product from other brands, the best promotional tools to be used will be advertising and public relations. Advertising is referred to as a form of paid promotional tool whereby a non-personal communication is used in order to reach the targeted audience (Hackley, 2010). For an organization that operates on a orbicular platform advertising is a significant promotional tool as it creates awareness of the products much faster. The benefits of using advertising are numerous. To start with advertising promotes wider coverage depending on the medium used, it promotes a better mark perception, it offers an efficient audience engagement and also it is informative (Masterson, 2010). In this case as the marketing team, we will use the internet, newspapers, magazines, television and also billboard posters in the brand countries bases in order to inform and run the men customers, who are the targeted audience for the new collection. The internet

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Confucius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Confucius - Es read ExampleOne such prominent leader was Kung-fu-tzu ( Great Master Kong)? and to the world he is better known by his Latinized name? Confucius? Confucius? born in BC 551 in the Lu Province? was one of the strikingest philosophers witnessed by the world and in special China? He was also a teacher as well as a policy-making theorist who founded his own system based on his thinking and philosophies? He is often paralleled with the Greek philosopher Socrates so it becomes clear how important and significant his teachings are? He was born a descendant of the Shang Dynasty and was also a member of the ruling clan? Shih? However his family was non one that had a kitty of wealth under its name? His father was a petty official whose marriage did not end very well as he divorced his wife for bearing him only three daughters and a son who was deflower? The father than married a fifteen year senile girl and the great philosopher took birth? Confucius was force into co ntrasting kinds of labor like working as a keeper of the granary? supervising the palm etc mainly because he lost his father at an early age? Despite the fact that he was engaged in manual labor? he was more inclined towards the system of education? that is? learn as well as teaching? He was responsible for the school of thought known as Confucianism? which believes that familial relationships are the foundation for society (McDevitt, p.46). Although Confucius is the father of this school of thought? he was not seen as the Lord or the Savior? he was just considered to be a Sage teacher? Confucianism is not a religion that was founded by Confucian? rather it is a tradition generally rooted in Chinese culture and nurtured (An Introduction to Confucianism, p.17). by him and his disciples .Though he started out with working petty jobs? he step by step rose through the administrative hierarchy and around the time when he was 40 years old? he became the prefect (Zai) and director of pub lic works (Huanyin,p.1). in Lu and began to spread Confucianism? He traveled to different provinces and began to inscribe in the minds of the audience his teachings and his wisdom in order to show the people the right highway of life? He developed his teachings into a book during the later stages of his life when he returned to Lu and this order of his philosophical thoughts and teachings came to be known as analects? During the time he faced a lot of problems as his only son had passed away and so did a very loyal disciple of his? He was also deeply grieved by the fact the leaders of his own state would not accept his teachings? Confucius go of life came to an end in 479 BCE and he was mourned by followers all over China. For any great leader to think and ponder deeply about particular things? there needs to be many sort of external stimulus that influences these thoughts? When does one actually think? When he sees things around him that he fails to figure why they happen and also things that cause trouble than that make one happy? Needless to say? Confucius thinking was influenced by various external factors and experiences that he went through? Now in order to understand Confucianism, one needs to possess a clear knowledge about the political and historical stage setting from which it has arisen. Throughout the history of China? it becomes clear that the country has witnessed the rise and fall of a lot of dynasties? almost of which were more

Trust Is Integrity, Honesty, and Reliability Essay

think Is Integrity, H whizsty, and Reliability - Essay ExampleMany citizenry argue about the meaning of aver, but the most important aspect of trustfulness in personalized and professional relationships is the way we build it together through integrity, honesty, and reliability. The idea that trust is a one-dimension trait is wide spread, but I find it to be a multi-dimensional act as different aspects have to be taken into account when it comes to building and keeping trust in our personal and professional relationships. Trust in integrity, honesty, and reliability is considered as such by many deal. Some of them equal trust to only one of those dimensions, but I find it useful to deal with the issue of trust as a multi-dimensional trait. Trust is more a process than a permanent state of affairs. Trust must(prenominal) be create and kept alive on an ongoing basis, so many factors have to be taken into contemplation when we speak about trust in our personal and professional relationships. Indeed trust takes a fold of effort to be built and maintained alive. It is easy to think of trust as integrity, or as honesty, or as reliability alone. But if we take a close liveliness at trust, we allow for find that it takes those three dimensions together to build and keep trust on a daily basis. That is so because if one of the ingredients is missing, we will end up being untrustworthy in the look of people. Looking at trust from a multi-dimensional point of view will keep us from making unnecessary mistakes, and at the same time, we will enjoy the benefits of healthy relationships.... Our good will and our efforts to achieve trustworthiness bring blessedness and well-being to our souls here and now.Essay 2 Argument.Trust Is Built and Kept Through Integrity, Honesty, and Reliability.Introduction.Many people argue about the meaning of trust, but the most important aspect of trust in personal and professional relationships is the way we build it together thro ugh integrity, honesty, and reliability. The idea that trust is a one-dimension trait is widely spread, but I find it to be a multi-dimensional act as different aspects have to be taken into account when it comes to building and keeping trust in our personal and professional relationships.Building and safekeeping Trust.Trust as integrity, honesty, and reliability is considered as such by many people. Some of them equal trust to only one of those dimensions, but I find it useful to deal with the issue of trust as a multi-dimensional trait. Trust is more a process than a permanent state of affairs. Trust must be built and kept alive on an ongoing basis, so many factors have to be taken into consideration when we speak about trust in our personal and professional relationships.Indeed trust takes a lot of effort to be built and maintained alive. It is easy to think of trust as integrity, or as honesty, or as reliability alone. But if we take a close look at trust, we will find that it takes those three dimensions together to build and keep trust on a daily basis. That is so because if one of the ingredients is missing, we will end up being untrustworthy in the eyes of people. We need a good mix of integrity, honesty, and reliability in order to build and establish a

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Frankfurt account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

capital of Kentucky account - Essay ExampleHuman organisms, however, so-and-so be said to possess second graze relys with these desires, however, non existence experienced by all people (Frankfurt 7). To my understanding, people who gouge non use self-evaluation to validate their desire therefore, deficient in second stray desires, be referred to as wanton. According to Frankfurt, these second order desires argon what distinguish a person from non-humans. Wantons or those with forth second order desires include small shaverren, animals, and even adults who are not able to exhibit these desires. These non-persons are not bothered somewhat will, and they do not devour a care concerning where their life is going and how they could change it. In order to clarify the definition of a person, we can use the example of two child molesters. In this case, we can take the first child molester as having a first order desire to molest children given her affinity to do so, as well as ha ving a second order desire that makes her desire to stop molesting children, although their urge whitethorn be uncontrollable. On the other hand, another child molester is in possession of desires in the first order that makes her molest children but is deficient in second order desires since she does not concern herself with what may rule if she is caught, which may lead to jail and embarrassment. For this child molester, who could care less concerning her will, her option of stopping the vile mask and continuing the act are present in her mind, and none is more prevalent than the other is since she does not even attempt at evaluating her options. Therefore, she continues with what she does. Second order desires, to my understanding, then equate to a person being in possession of the will to carry out an action or not to carry out the action. If someone is not able to self-evaluate therefore, not being in possession of desires of the second order, then they can be said to be defi cient of will. In turn, they cannot claim to be persons according to Frankfurt, instead being considered as wantons (Frankfurt 6). While it is possible to understand where Frankfurt is headed with his channel, as well as where he is glide slope from, I disagree with the conclusion that a lack of will disqualifies someone from being considered a person. It is my flavor that this someone still feels emotive, and exhibits feelings, even if they are vile characters like child molesters with no second fantasys about their actions and, therefore, to me at least, they are still persons. Early thought on the definition of a person held that, incorrupt responsibility would be only applied to a person who commits a certain act if they had the luck to do something else. Throughout Frankfurts article, I found the inference to be that persons are not morally responsible for the acts they had committed when they had no chance to do something else. Frankfurt takes specific issues with this li ne of thought claiming, our theoretical ability to do otherwise, he says, does not necessarily make it possible for us to do otherwise (Frankfurt 10). The examples that Frankfurt assert to are important because they are suggestive of other ways that can be used to defend how determinism and moral responsibility can be compared, especially through the rejection of the argument

Monday, April 22, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Law - Essay ExampleThe development of each of these areas of law would be discussed in exploit and any similarity as well as difference would looked into so as to make an efficient comparison between the two difference applications that have been provided for that is one by way of statute and the different would be that of the rule of Wheeldon v. Burrows and the cases that have effectively developed the rule and applied the provision. Easements are where a return is provided to the dominant tenement that is the land which benefits from the easement, which provides the person who owns the dominant tenement of land to use the easement. The second gene in respect of an easement is the based on the occurrence that since there is a benefit that is accruing there is a burden on what is known as the servient tenement or in other spoken communication the land that has been burdened by the easement. A vital principle related to an easement is the fact that it is a proprietary interest and the accruing benefit and burden, subject to the laws of registered and unregistered land, transfer, if the land that is either the servient or dominant tenement is transferred to another person. (Cursley et al 2009) The creation of an easement is dependent upon the satisfaction of a touchstone that had been laid eat up in Re Ellenborough Park1 which are generally referred to when determining the followence of an easement. The first and foremost requirement is the fact that there moldiness be a dominant and servient tenement thus eliminating the possibility and stating that the easement cannot exist in gross. (Hawkins v. Rutler)2. The second requirement is the fact that the dominant and servient tenements occupation and ownership moldiness be by different persons (Roe v. Siddons)3. However, according to W reclaim v. Macadam4 the occupation by different persons would allow an easement to be created. The Third element is the fact the easement mustiness benefit the dominant te nement and this is dependent upon the propinquity of the servient tenement it besides been stated that the advantage should not be purely personal (Hill v Tupper) and the compensate must not that be of a recreational user. The fourth criterion is that the easement that has been alleged must be cap able of formation of subject matter of a grant. Case law has developed upon the criterion and has provided chokelines in this respect, the first one being that there must be a capable grantor, which is undefendable in the facts at hand, the second that there must be a grantee which is evident because the tenants were give the rights thirdly the subject matter of grant is sufficiently certain, which is clear enough in respect of the facts that is the right to cross and finally the right must be capable of being called an easement that is it is c everywhereed on a lower floor the rights which have been recognized to be easements, which has been done in respect of the right to cross. Th e final factor that has not been expressly listed down in the case was that of public policy which is considered when determining whether an easement is existent or not. (Grey et al 2006) The next aspect that is considered is that easement can be existent either legally or under equity as laid down under section 1 of the Law of lieu Act (LPA) 1925. (Cooke 2006) As far as legal easements are considered there are a fall of formalities that need to be fulfilled. The first requirement is that for a legal easement there must either be a fee simple absolute in possession or as an adjunct to a term of years (section 1 Law of Property Act 1925). Secondly easements can only be legal if created by way of statute, by prescription(prenominal), by deed or registered disposition. only other easement are equitable in temperament. (Dixon 2004) As far easement by prescription is Law Essay Example Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 wordsLaw - Essay ExampleUnfortunately, flat in 2012, until more research is conducted to collect data on duration of roadway bail, Hucklesbys claims await valid. pass bail was introduced in the British legal system in 2003. The amendment came into effect in 2004.1 Street bail was designed to speed up justice in the British legal system by enabling officers to spend more time collecting evidence, and less on totaling the suspect in the police station to bail him or her out a few minutes later.2 There were estimates in 2004 that the radical bail system would be economical, as it would provide additional 390,000 hours of police officers time annually to focus on investigating the crimes.3 Guidance on Street Bail was implemented in 2006. The guide aimed to direct implementation of the naval divisions 30A to 30D of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), as amended by Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003. 4 While making a decision whether to bring the wrongdoer in or not, the police officer must consider following facts w hether the offender has a history of violating the bail, whether the offender could jeopardize the evidence crucial to the judicial system if left free, whether the offender could come about offending if left free, and whether data are correct regarding the address of the offender and the nature of the offense. 5 In Northern Ireland, an equivalent document was published as well.6 However, Hucklesby argues that the pre charge bail system only discourages justice. The nature of the offense, or the ability to jeopardize evidence, is left to the interpretation of the police officer. As a result, Hucklesby argues, more arrests depart take place, instead of fewer.7 Moreover, in cases where police officers will not be willing to pursue the investigation, the offender will not be turned in.8 Cape too agrees with Hucklesbys arguments, due to the inexperience of the prehend officers and a low threshold for arrest and long bail periods, where suspects will not be able to present their own story.9 Some argue otherwise. There are arguments that even in the light of the new approach to bail, PACE continues to use its fundamental balance approach,10 which was abused in the past. PACEs approach is to protect the rights of the suspect, while allowing for the police officers to gather enough evidence to identify the offender.11 One of its aims is also to decrease detention time. 12 A famous case portraying the misuse of power sooner the street bail on behalf of law enforcement officers is the Birmingham pub bombings, where six suspects were wrongfully convicted.13 The suspects were treated outside their testimonial system and tortured.14 Moreover, they were interrogated partly also outside of the police station, which violates the rules of PACE.15 The new approach to bail on street attempts to avoid such problems through allowing suspects freedom while conducting investigation. However, the power remains in hands of the prehend police officers. Though PACE aims to decrea se the detention time, Skinns has found evidence that detention time has been change magnitude back to the pre PACE level.16 In 1986, the mean detention time was over four hours, whereas in 1990 3 it increased to over six hours. 17 In 1979, before PACE, the mean detention time was over ten hours. 18 Moreover, police investigation is let off a problem. Skinns found that gathering evidence is still a problem in the British criminal system, and it rests with

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Why Matsuo Basho left the capital city, Edo, and went to the Essay

Why Matsuo Basho left the roof city, capital of Japan, and went to the coutry-side, Oku - Essay ExampleThis point onwards, ease prevailed in Japan for four hundred. Paradoxic all in ally, people felt suffocation. The closed-door policy accompanied with several different strict rules enforced by the Tokugawa government pushed the citizens into a very strict social rank. There were disgustful limitations on travel and ban on some colors in c swarmhing. Nonetheless, the prohibition was balanced by peace that prevailed in that time as a result of which, the Japanese society underwent a lot of changes. The quiet and peace helped Japan attain economic stability. People tried to spend their time in the most meaningful and beneficial way so that they would get rid of stress. This susceptibility be the actor why Japan greatly excelled in the fields of arts, architecture and agri burnish in the very period. The capital city, capital of Japan was the most well developed place and particul arly reflected the rich Japanese culture. Therefore, people came to Edo in large numbers. Edo bustled with warriors, craftsmen, merchants, and performers from throughout the land. The money they spent strengthened the economy. The shogun, daimyo, and their retainers spent almost all their money in the city Edo was a center of consumption. The people who had gathered in Edo from different places of origins mutually gave rise to a unique culture. Instead, it resulted from the interaction of three groups, each of which complemented the others the warriors, the provincial cho-nin outsiders, and the Edokko. With the conversion of time, the period of Tokugawa became significant because of cultural efflorescence. The Genroku era (1688-1703) was a time of renaissance in the Japanese culture a time when both aristocratic and common arts flourished. New forms of art akin Kabuki, Bunraku and Ukikiyo-e surfaced in the very era. Japanese literature also reached its apogee in the seventeenth ce ntury. Ihara saikaku of Ukiyo-zoshi (Prose, ), Chikamatsu Monzaemon of Zoruli (Dramatic-literature, ) and Matsuo Basho of Haikai (Verse, ) were the writers identity during the Genroku era. Among those writers, Matsuo Basho was particularly queer because of his contribution to literature through his Poem (Haikai). This poem was one of the very few pieces of literature that were set as comic or unorthodox (HYPERLINK http//hanja.naver.com/search?query=%E4%BF%B3%E8%AB%A7 ). He is also in the main known as a great writer of the haiku, one of the worlds shortest verse forms that lie of only three lines with a total of seventeen syllables. Haiku always consists of both seasonal and cutting words. The preserve of Matsuo Basho in Edo commenced in 1644 which was forty years after the establishment of government of the Tokugawa family in Edo, and his verification continued till 1690. As discussed before, the Genroku era was a time in which the popular culture greatly flourished and Edo b ecame crowded with people. This essentially made Edo the perfect place and the Genroku era, the perfect time for Basho to practice his theory and principles in. Soon after the capitalism started to dominate in Edo, Matsuo Basho set off on a long locomote to the city of Oku in 1689 miles away from the capital city (). Bashos decision to pass Edo was quite interesting and filled the audience with curiosity. The audience might have several questions, like what made Basho choose Oku for the stay? Why did Basho leave the capital city? and, what did Basho originally pursue from his journey? It is worthwhile trying to judge the underlying factors that convinced Basho to take this decision. This paper discusses some of the reasons why Matsuo Basho might have chosen to travel to Oku. The first and foremost purpose of

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Negative Impacts of Tourism on Egyptian Culture Research Paper

The Negative Impacts of Tourism on Egyptian tillage - Research Paper ExampleThere has been a substantial growth of the electric circuitism sector in Egypt due to massive tourists visiting the country. Despite the numerous benefits brought about by the tourism sector, there atomic number 18 also several challenges. This paper will evaluate the impacts of tourism on Egyptian culture. It presents a draft introduction of the state of tourism in the country, discuses some benefits brought about by the sector, as well as the need to curtail tourism in Egypt, especially because of the negative impacts it is having on Egyptian culture. Introduction For the close two hundred years, tourism has been an important component in Egypts economy. In addition, tourism for the extreme multiplication has become an important part of the economy, which contributes about 45 percent of the countrys one-year foreign currency earnings. To improve the infrastructure to the required standards, there h as been a very significant coronation by both the public and by the private sectors in addition to all the budgetary supplying by the Egyptian government. This is because of the assumption that there is need for this infrastructure to hold an ever-growing number of tourists. As a result, there is an annual expenditure of millions of dollars to encourage and promote tourism especially in the neighboring Arab countries, which at once represent a growing segment of the Egyptian tourist marketplace (Icomos, 71). Because of the thriving roads, trade, and economy in general, there was massive expansion of the travel industry. For instance, there was a rise in the number of pass across customers through Egypt from 275 in 1844 to 3,000 in 1847. To cater for the outstanding increase in the number of travelers between the years 1848 1879, the government began to issue regulations and organize the services given to the travelers, who spent about ?60-?80 during three months pose in Egypt. Tour guide (TG) was among the first services to emerge immediately because of the expansion of the travelling industry. The tour guide became the intermediary between the region and the visitors (El-Sharkawy, 78). The Egyptians have been able to carry out easy market promotion for a long time because of the Egypt famous historical heritage sites. However, when the marine resort tourism became the main tourism product in the 1990s there was change in conditions. Consequently, Egypt has to compete with its rival countries in many features, for example service level and price, in the marine resort market. Therefore, it is necessary to beat a suitable market promotion plan (Rady, 2). Impacts of Tourism in Egypt Tourism has an important work to the society. Among the direct economic gains of tourism are augment of foreign exchange earnings, contribution to government revenues, income generation and generation of employment. In addition, tourism offers indirect effects on the economic sectors, for instance fisheries, agriculture, construction and craft manufacturing, which provide the goods and services for the tourism sector. Moreover, tourism offers other facilities and services that promote the economic and cultural growth of the community in the region for example the improvement of transportation and other infrastructure (Rady, 26). Tourism in Egypt is peculiar on the types of travel and cross-cultural transactions including religious and intellectual pilgrimages, colonialism and imperialism, archaeology, anthropology, and more, which for centuries have been important components in building Egyptian national subjectivities and identities. The basis of the Western tourism is an imagination of an ancient Egypt scattered with the excavated monuments of a pharaonic past. On the other hand, the West

Friday, April 19, 2019

I have an article need to be reviewed Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

I amaze an need to be reviewed - Article ExampleHistory of American attention movements has been comparatively influential to this era. American labor industry has faced numerous incidents of violence, protests, aggression and strikes which only started with affiance cuts. Labor unions were very strong in asserting their pressure primarily based upon favorable works environment. Their demands were usually targeted to attain higher wages with shorter and shorter working hour. With the passage of time labor unions got so aright and organized that they could influence appointment of political personalities and get favorable labor laws passed.This essay critically reviews the oblige and also examines factors other than institutional setup which has affected labor movement and has weakened labor unions as they are not as much organized as once they were. The author used comparative analysis of American and Canadian cases since both are neighboring countries with their closest relati on but have differences comparing labor movement and their effectiveness. This article provides qualitative analysis of decisions, choices and step taken by the American labor unions and politician which brought institutional growth and decentralized the powers to individuals rather than to organization. Comparative analysis is the best outline in this regard to contrast and compare two cases. Historical examination of American Labor private road reveals that first half of nineteenth century was associated with efforts to promote anti monopolistic doctrine. Labor movement were initiated to bewilder harmony for cooperation and political involvement while in the second half of the century efforts were put unitedly to provide legal shelter to labors. Justice, labor rights, equality and bargaining power strengthened the concept of unionisation where employers failed to suppress workers. Twentieth century marked the era of reforms and improved working

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Self-evaluation (Telecommuting will be the new way that jobs are Essay

Self-evaluation (Telecommuting will be the new way that jobs are performed in the next disco biscuit years. Introduction ) - Essay ExampleThis brush aside act as detrimental to a section of hatful are not well educated or skilled to perform any other kindly of jobs. (Piskurich, 2008, p.27)Another argument presented by this paper is that telecommuting can provide an employee the added advantage of selecting his/her own running(a) environment and this can have both economic and social benefits. However, there is also a bug out side because it becomes the responsibility of the employee to pay the bills of electricity and heat of his own working(a) environment and in nearly companies the employees are not reimbursed for these aspects. (Piskurich, 2008, p.22)The paper puts forward a third argument that telecommuting provides the employee the advantage of working from home. This can help the employee to spend more time with the family thus promoting family values and developing str onger family relations. However, this can be disadvantageous for the supervisors whose primary responsibility is to monitor the efficiency and productivity of their supervisees. The supervisors do not feel easy because they cannot physic all toldy see their supervisees on daily basis. If the supervision is done badly then telecommuting can further reduce its effectiveness, however it can increase supervision that is done well. There is also the conundrum of jealousy from colleagues as many people feel that telecommuters do not work in all working hours at home. There may be others who cannot take up telecommuting because of their nature of work. all these can arouse jealousy from colleagues. This working from home facility can have an added disadvantage for those companies which on a regular basis face crisis as it causes lack of flexibility. In case of emergency when holding a meeting is ask it becomes extremely difficult to bring all the employees together if majority of them work from home. Therefore telecommuting as a way of job is

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Global marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

b all-shaped marting - Essay ExampleThe airline industry is highly agonistic with a large look of market players both(prenominal) in domestic as vigorous as international routes. The advent of deplorable cost carriers has in like manner compounded the competition with a predatory pricing mechanism (Wensveen, 2010). The key market drivers for the growth of the industry include a robust economic growth that would mean increase in business class passengers as well as growth in the tourism industry both of which can act as good drivers for the industry (AAPA, n.d.).Virgin Atlantic was established in the course 1984 under the leadership of Richard Branson under a joint venture with Singapore Airlines that has a 49 portion stake (Virgin Atlantic-a, 2011). The company headquartered at the UK is one of the most favoured and established brand in the industry (Virgin Atlantic, 2011). Considering the concomitant that there are a large number of market players with heightened levels of competition the role of branding assumes ample importance in this industry so as to help create a distinction from the other(a) brands in the market.Virgin Atlantic is a global brand and faces stiff competition from some of the well reputed brands including British Airways, Emirates and Delta Air, Continental and American Airlines in the international markets. In the domestic front it faces competition from the legacy carriers as well as low cost carriers like Ryan Air, Easy Jet etc. The competitive advantage of Virgin airlines comes from its excellence in service delivery and a formidable brand image.The show would try to analyze the global airline industry in the context of the chosen organization and would also try to formulate a suitable strategy for the expansion and growth of the airline in the US (Los Angeles) market.Virgin Airlines is a legacy carrier and caters mostly to UK based residents who constitute 60 percent of all the passengers flown by the airline. The compan y caters to multiple segments with

Elemental Cost Plan for Commercial Office Development Research Paper

Elemental Cost Plan for Commercial Office Development - Research typography Example sum of m maviny steel/ metal required is approximated to be around 300 kgs .This done winning into consideration that CPA is 951.6 sq.mtr . wear down exist is assumed to be 16 pounds/ sq.mtr for entire work. Equipment charges be assumed to be around 3000 pounds Material cost = 400 x 30=12000 pounds Labor charges = 16 x 951.6=15225.6 pounds radical cost = 12000 + 15225.6 +3000=30225.6 poundsTotal masonry and concrete required per sq.mtr is assumed to be 0.6 kgs per sq.mtr. Labour charges for entire work are assumed to be around twice the material required. Material cost = 0.6 x 951.6 x (64 +5) =39,396 pounds Labor charges = 2 x 39396 = 78792 pounds Total cost = 39396 + 78792 =118188 poundsTotal area to be insulated is approximately around atomic number 19 sq m. This includes all away walls .The area is calculated from the available drawings. The rate of insulating material is interpreted 8 pounds /sq.mtr from the higher up table. Labor charges are taken to be around 4000 pounds for above project. Total cost = 8 x 1000 +4000=12000 poundsTotal number of doors of ground dump = 32 No of doors on first floor =25 ... Insulation - Total area to be insulated is approximately around 1000 sq m. This includes all external walls .The area is calculated from the available drawings. The rate of insulating material is taken 8 pounds /sq.mtr from the above table. Labor charges are taken to be around 4000 pounds for above project. Total cost = 8 x 1000 +4000=12000 poundsDoors and windows-Total number of doors of ground floor = 32 No of doors on first floor =25 number of windows = 53 Wood work rate is 114 pounds / sq mtr. Assuming 100 pounds are required to make one door and 100 pounds to make one window. These include material and labor charges. Total cost = 55 x 100 + 53 x 100 = 10,800 pounds.Exterior trim and finish- Total eruptside area is approximately 480 sq. mtr. Material ra te is assumed to be 50 pounds/sq.mtr Labor rate is taken as 27 pounds / sq.mtr. Material cost = 480 x 50=24000 pounds Labor charges = 480x 27=12960 pounds Total cost = 24000 + 12960 =36960 poundsGable roof rafters, Gable roof trusses, Gable roofing-Total roof area is calculated and comes out to be 415 sq.mtr approximately. The rate is from the table is 37 pounds /per sq.mtr. pounds for gable roof rafters, roof trusses and roofing.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Big Five Personality Theory Essay Example for Free

Big Five Personality Theory Essay psychology refers to study of hu populace mind and behavior. The main aim of psychology is to gain an intricate understanding of alone and why individuals be need the way they do and what are the causes of their behavior. The ultimate aim is to understand a man in found to benefit society at large. There are many theories that discuss and listen to explore different aspects of human behavior. The big five individualality theory has been revolutionary and is currently the or so accepted model in the scientific community. It consists of five attributes Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, and openness and can be remembered by acronym Ocean. One of the best ways to access a trait is to directly ask a person about the trait ( self report ) and then get an commentator to confirm the trait ( observer report ). Me and my economize scored me on various traits as detailed above separately. We scored the answers, the scores and details of to each one trait are as belowExtroversionMy extroversion scores were (41- 41). This suggests I am talkative, outgoing, prove adventure, and excitement. Introverted people are quiet and reserved, though some researchers have shown that introverts can be as gregarious in well-disposed situations as extroverts but the key is in the source of capability. Extroverts gain energy from social interactions where as introverts from solitude. This is so true in my case. I have never been comfortable cosmos alone.OpennessI scored (78-65) in openness, which is characterized by imagination, broadmindedness, originality. People low in this trait traditional, stick to familiarity, quest for tested paths. Its true in my case. I love challenges, trying new things adds new prop and meaning to my life. In fact I would go ahead and say not doing different things disappoints me. It is this trait that got me my boyfriend who is now my husband. I guess this need comes beca use I lived 22years of ritualistic and traditional life. Thanks to a strict father.Conscientious I scored (33-36) on conscientious which is characterized by dependability, efficiency and persistence. I love order in anything. Be it my wardrobe, gym routine, doing my laundry on Saturday or cleanliness of the house. Being on time to appointments, care order in life, I believe speaks volumes about a person and I intend to have a positive one. Guess, I get that trait from my father. He was always prompt with bills, early for appointments all the same informal ones. I did not know one could live any other way.AgreeablenessI scored 30(me)-43(husband) in agreeableness. It is characterized by less negative emotions, kindred jealousy, revenge and more empathy. People low in this trait look to win arguments not people, lean more towards excitement and dominance. I guess my husband sees me as being as agreeable because he himself is a agreeable person and sees positive in others always wher eas I am more critical of myself. I am supportive of friends and family and empathize a lot with people to an extent that I feel angry if my close ones are insulted. But at the same time if someone does something wrong even if it is my mother I will not blocking myself from confronting her. So, I must say I agree with my score of 30.Emotional stabilityI Scored 16(me)-29(husband) in Emotional stability. It is characterized by stability in emotions in various situations in life and they are calm, allow from persistent negative feelings. People rating low on this trait show negative emotions like anger, anxiety, depression, low tolerance to stress, mood swings and pessimism, Both me and my husband have scored me low on this scale. The reason is I do get stressed easily. Exams, major decisions in life get me on my nerves. At those time I am a different person angry, not approachable and irritable. But once I find solution to the problem in my mind, I immediately get back to being my self. I guess, I need to work on being more stable. The big 5 theory helps send packing light towards formation of human personalities and why different individuals exhibit different emotions and reactions when dealing with different social situations. Human behavior just like psychology itself is a broad specialty and having all the answers is nigh impossible. However having different theories give innumerabledetails that helps form a bigger picture of causes and variables that inning a human.Anju Priyadarshini

Monday, April 15, 2019

Human - Ultraviolet Essay Example for Free

Human Ultraviolet EssayAfter taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper mold of what pelt along unfeignedly is, and endure me a clear, new, and perfect sagaciousness about how we ar incompatible. From the previous convey I knew that tender desoxyribonucleic acid nookie be t quickend book binding to Africa population, we hurl the kindred phone line. But I be possessed of never win my aspect to calculate about why there are differences among us. The differences and magnetic declination of us such as pelt trick, height, and skill to malady is be set out changes in genes and surround. After the expansion of world from Africa, those fairly changes in genetic science receivable to the changes of environment that sympathetic are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is referable to the mightiness of adapting invisible radiation, and geographical differences from metre to m evolution of t he human being. Because of these differences occur, the word race is created to consort these summercater among plenty in different part of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each(prenominal)(prenominal) different genetically, because we have the akin ancestry that we turn out from a village in Africa.racialism is truly just occupation in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and moral problem. As person who understand this creation expect to disseminate the subject to rescind racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ? be given readiness After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry.But I have never further my thought to think about why t here are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being.Because of these differences occur, the word race is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Ra cism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other.?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment.After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of t hese differences occur, the word race is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa.Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry.But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being.Because of these differences occur, the word race is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each ot her.?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment.After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word race is created to classify these variation among people in diffe rent region of the world.However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different.From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of hum an from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance.For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word race is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem.As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us.The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being.Because of these differences occur, the word race is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have th e same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Hamilton VS. Jefferson Essay Example for Free

Hamilton VS. Jefferson EssayBoth Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson have different views close the future of America, but they both and intensions to better America by 1794. Hamilton believed in the governance getting solider with the demonstrate of large corporations that can help provided jobs. Jefferson wanted to weaken the central establishment, and empower the states governments. Which view was to a greater extent practical and created a more secure system? With the Hamilton and Jefferson conflict, this helped raise political parties to decide what is good for the United States of America. separately view needed the other to create a government that would be strong enough to nurse itself from its heap and from external strife.During the reconstruction era, both Jefferson and Hamilton had different vision and outcomes for the future of our people. Hamilton believes in a strong central government, believed that the common people often acted foolishly and most of all wanted to balance the rescue by establishing a national bank. He wanted to see the rise of strong and large corporations and businesses vaunting finished the success of Americans trade, financing, and agriculture. Hamiltons saw the future of America as, bringing corporations up and increasing manufactures and trade, can help maintain internal taxes and help pay eat up war debt.In the article, Wealth and Success, Hamiltons Argues for the Constitutionality of the National Bank, he explains why the Bank of the United States is helpful for America. Concerning the constitutionality of the bill for establishing a national bank, proceeds, according to the order of the president, to submit the reasons which have induced him to entertain and different opinion (Wealth and Success).This finally helped us understand more on how running a nations country and Hamilton favored better-looking government aid for trade, finance and manufacturing which was just like the British system. By t rying to strengthen the union Hamilton increase the function of federal employees and then treated individual liberties and rights, such as freedom of speech, as world restricted to some. Thinking about more power in the government creates the people to go against him.Jefferson protested Hamiltons proposal and made it seem unconstitutional. Thomas Jefferson known as the third president of the United States wrote and subscribe the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson had deep faith in common people and was given power from the U.S. constitution and planed the lah Purchase. Jefferson wanted more for the people and favored a weak central government and wanted more individual state power. Individual liberties must be protected by laws and didnt support giving the government aid, like Hamilton did.While Hamilton created a New York life and was impulsive and wanted the best for himself and neer listened to the people. Jefferson was less passionate about the competition between gove rnments and wanted to eliminate internal taxes and pay off all the national debt. He believes that people should not depend on their government and a the great unwashed dependent on the government couldnt become independent. Having a democratic government reduced the number of federal employees and helped distribute special privileges to the common people.Through out these different perspectives that Jefferson and Hamilton both shared, America went through hell getting things back on track. Hamilton had showed and helped noticed that Americans have been in debt for industrial development and wished to satisfy off debt. But this is only able to happen if you have faith and courage for the common people to help do so.He never gave the citizens a chance and created a strong government to aspire over. Jefferson realized that people were still being controlled when America is a free country by the government and Jefferson stood back to support the states rights. Everyone is known to be treated adaptedly and have his or her own equal rights. Liberty and happiness comes from each individual man and among men the government is functioned through the happiness of men. reservoirhttp//www.wwnorton.com/college/history/america7_brief/content/multimedia/ch07/research_01c.htm http//www.studentoffortune.com/question/91067/Visions-of-Alexander-Hamilton-and-Thomas-Jefferson http//www.wwnorton.com/college/history/america7_brief/content/multimedia/ch07/research_01.htm

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Notes for exam question Essay Example for Free

Notes for exam question EssayChapter 1 favorable scientist have argued that issues of inequality, mendicancy and amicable exclusion cut across just about(prenominal) brotherly well-being and villainy restraint domains, and illustrious that while round responses to these issues may become the localise of social social upbeat policies, early(a)s may become the focus of iniquity control interventions.Social justice then is neither the exclusive terrain of social public assistance nor of villainy control. The boundaries among these two domains tend to be mobile and porous.This idea was introduced by arguing that the neat banknote between the goals of social welfare (well being) and the goals of crime control (maintaining social order) break down on side by side(predicate) inspection. Chapter 1 section 4 crime control measures impact adversely on social welfare and produce justice struggles. State backdown from the direct provision of welfare services is accom panied by greater attention to asocial behaviour of younger and poorer groups in society.Social welfare is oriented towards the human beings and charge of social well-being through the provision of various social supports combating social inequalities by promoting redistri only ifion and social inclusion and countering various social deteriorations such as poverty and discrimination.The domain of crime control is much oriented towards the creation and maintenance of social stability, social order and security by addressing behaviours and activities of those who are sensed to threaten these in some way.Crime control and social welfare policies, at that place are many examples of entanglement between them. For example, countering antisocial behaviour may be defined as a social welfare matter in that it protects the welfare and well being of some against the disruptions caused by others. This example similarly raises wider social welfare questions, I.e how can societies support young populate and others so that they do not subscribe themselves in ways that are viewed as antisocial?The relationship between social welfare and crime control is dynamic meaning it is likely to change over time, and it is contested.Another example of how social welfare and crime control is entangled protecting children from abuse- a role taken on by both police and social workers, acting in partnership but with rather blurred boundaries between the welfare and crime control functions. The entanglements between welfare and crime control take many different forms.eudaemonia states in its traditional form is considered by many commentators across the political spectrum to be in adopt of reform.Social scientists focus on creating social inclusion rather than on providing welfareIdeas about an lower class of marginalised individuals often black Afro caribbean or Hispanic have informed policies on crime preventions and crime control in countries such as the USA. Many studies are handing over more responsibility for tackling crime and antisocial behaviour to local communities, who in turn address crime prevention through a potpourri of welfare and control strategies.As environmental issues become more important in ensuring security and well-being, so attention is turning to new kinds of harm harms perpetrated not by those traditionally defined as puzzle populations, often on the margins of society but by the rich and powerful who perpetuate environmental and other kinds of crime.Many struggles for social justice, produced laws that have to be enforced through the institutions of criminal justice. On the other hand, some criminal justice measures including many of those now associated with anti terrorist measures are viewed as producing harms such as poundage or the loss of rights for certain population groups.Chapter 1 section 36 dissent and protest against social injustice may be the subject or criminalising responses.The darling study for the Joseph r ow tree can shows an increasing inequality of wealth in the uk in the late 20th century when income inequalities grew rapidly. It also shows a greater degree of spatial segregation of wealth and poverty, with local areas increasingly dominated by ladened or poor residents and a decline in social mixing.Poverty concentrates attention on unitary segment of society those living below a certain level of income, or below a certain level of resources.Many studies of poverty tend to focus attention on poor people rather than the wider social structures which generate and reproduce poverty. In the process, then, such studies divert attention from the relationship between wealth and poverty, and the ways in which richer and more powerful groups manage to increase their wealth and hold on to it at the expense of poorer and less powerful groups.Much social investigation into poverty has in enforce involved looking at the poorest people to see what was wrong with them, and is based on the a ssumption that there must be something about them that makes them different from us.In the 19th century, investigators went like intrepid explorers into the neighbourhoods where the poor lived in order to examine their habits, their ways of life, their culture and most frequently their character. The poor were associated with a range of social dangers from illness, through crime and vice, to the threat of socialism.This emphasis on statistical investigation has had a profound set on the subsequent development of social research in the uk and how we come to know about and image the social world. But the investigation and observation of the character and habits of the poor has also had enduring consequences, reflecting a continual belief that the cause of poverty could be discovered there. 19th century investigations into moral failings of the poor co-ordinated into20th century concerns with their dysfunctional family life or their culture of poverty.The idea of a culture of pove rty had mutated into a culture of dependency. All of these terms expressed the idea that poor people had habits, attitudes and ways of life that has passed poverty on across generations.Chapter 2 section 2 welfare states are involved in the maintenance of social order and stability by naturalising and normalising social inequalitiesChapter 2 sections 2,34 welfare states prescribe certain ideas of behaviour. These may stigmatise certain categories of people in booths study, the poor and in the 21st century, those who are not gainfully employed or who do not comply with norms of active citizenship.Welfare states also police inclination to norms of good conduct and may punish those who deviate from them. Punishments may range from measures such as the withdrawal of benefits and services to actual criminalisation.Chapter 3 section 3 care whether provided informally or through welfare states can involve the abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable people. Some abuses are subject to criminal prosecution.Chapter 3 section 4 treaties, conventions, laws and workers rights are often ineffective in regulating safety and ensuring freedom from harm in the workplace. Trade unions have attempted to limit workplace harms by pursuing rights and legal safeguards, but there power has been weakened. In attempt to avoid legislative action, some companies are now create voluntary codes of conduct based on the idea of social responsibility.Chapter 4 section 2 caper populations, in problem places such as the black population of new Orleans tend to be stigmatised, viewed as a source of harm, crime and social disorderChapter 4 section 3 some of the case studies show how welfare policies that sought to solve housing problems in the past have had minus consequences, leading to punitive and criminalising policies in the present.Chapter 5 section 2 global slums are sites of concerns about crime and disorder. They are also sites of emerging understanding about how slums can be a source of go on and development through self helpChapter 5 section 4 transnational institutions concerns with regulating environmental crimes are contrasted with restorative self regulatory and participatory models of development.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Myth and Reality of the American West Essay Example for Free

The Myth and Reality of the American West EssayWe have all heard the stories about the old west. There are the disreputable gunfights, the cowpunchers that steal all of the womens hearts, and the many a nonher(prenominal) stagecoach robberies. But how can we tell fact from parable? Where is the line worn between the sincereity of the American west and the myth portrayed in the many books and movies? E verything may not have been as adventurous as we believe, or as glamorous. But the real question is what is true and what is not? It is shocking how many misconceptions are made about the old west. I for one, definitely picture what most people probably do. Cowboys are always the first that come to mind. Everyone love a rustic, rugged, handsome cowboy. They saved the day on all occasions a nd at the end of the day, went and swept the woman onward her feet and they rode off into the sunset on horseback together.The cowboys were the good guys who wore the cowboy hat and boots a nd fought the bad guys in gunfights right outside of the bat-wing door saloons. A mental picture is immersen of two men with their backs to each other taking ten paces in opposite direction, only to draw guns and fight fairly after turning around. Cowboys were the ultimate white, southern gentlemen who always won the ladys heart. There are, of course, many other myths about the old west. For instance, the wakeless system there is the town sheriff with the sentiency badge and uniform worn at all times, who just happens to show up whenever there is trouble. The sheriff settles disputes that live out amongst townspeople and always makes the right decision, in putting the bad guy in lag to bring the ever-so unpredictable outcome of a happy ending. The popular variant, Cowboy Take Me forth by the country music group the Dixie Chicks, reinforces almost all concepts of the myth of the American west. The utter is Cowboy channelise me away. Fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue. fit(p) me free oh I pray. Closer to heaven above and closer to you, closer to you. This is a prime exemplar of the misconstrued ideas about the west. This verse portrays exactly what every nave person believes about this subject. The handsome cowboy comes to take you away to a place where you can forget all cares and troubles you have. He has come to carry you off into the sunset where the two of you will live together where only love and happiness matters. Living the honest life with the man of her dreams, who will treat her with respect and love her unconditionally, is the fantasy of every woman. The entire song portrays the beauty and simplicity of nature and life in the west, where the hustle and bustle of everyday life, elsewhere, doesnt exist.Who wouldnt want that? If it only existed What is the reality of the American west? Well contrary to popular belief, cowboys werent rattling the heroes. Cowboys were of all races and were mostly poor farm boys. Cowboys were just what the name states which is, males who raised and herded cattle for a living. closely women fell for the wealthy men of a higher class than for mere farm boys. The west wasnt peaceful, pleasant place that most people picture it as, except for the occasional bad guy. There were many problems in the west including lack of good food, lack of money, constant fighting with Indians over territory, and increasing strength (this was especially true when saloons, brothels, and gambling dens began to open). Another misconception of this time was that of the legal system.In all actuality there was not one at all. It wasnt until much later, after problems increased even more, that a so called legal system was developed. This was the miners courts. Miners in the area served on a jury and settled disputes in that way. This was a very inefficient system, because the miners favored the powerful, popular, and wealthy. The poor, weak, and unpopular were often charged with crimes they didnt commit. Hollywood has come up with many different ways to make the old west seem so exciting and adventurous. Whether its by dint of a song, an old movie, or a fictional book, the myth of the American west comes across as the truth for most people. The truth is never as interesting, so we depend on made up stories to entertain us.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Color of Law Essay Example for Free

Color of Law EssayAs a Legal Management controler who go away soon be proceeding to Law, I form learn and effected so numerous things close to world a attorney when I finished reading the Color of Law by Mark Gimenez. When I was unruffled a little child my dream was to sprain trounce attorney so I washbowl help those unfortunate wad. I always thought existence a attorney is or so helping, keep backing, and giving scarcelyice to my fellow Filipinos. I besides thought that when I engender a attorney I can hand chain reactors of property to provide my needs and as to my family. I also thought that those lawyers were the best because they gamble their lives every daytime plainly to defend the citizens of its country. and so I have genuineize that it is just all(a) in my imagination because in the real orb lawyers do non usually do everything well(p), sometimes it is all resides in my eyes.Scotty, the color of law isnt black-and-white, its green Th e rule of law is propertym wizardy rules M whizy clear ups the law and the law protects the specie And lawyers protect the people with silver Dan pass overWith this line it exonerate me realize that for some lawyers they do not border their shopping centres in protecting the law merely their ambition and love for money. It also make me realize that the codes and rules made in black-and-white does not already governs the law and the people further it is the money that makes the world go round. I have also realized that some lawyers chisel under the law, they do not even c argon about giving justice to the unfortunate or to the innocent scarce they make the wrong righteousness in the eyes of new(prenominal)s. Lastly, I have realized that when money is involved justice is not followed by its right purpose. But what I have in condition(p) from this statement is that when I become a lawyer in the future I should fight for the right thing and not blind myself with the wrong one for money. I have also learned that we are the future generations and we should not be poisoned by what is demoteing now but rather should make a change for the remedy of the society.In the story I have involven that Scott and his other colleagues whole kit and boodle in a best and the virtually famous Law Firm. I have just realized that they are working in a best and the most famous Law Firm is because they have worked hard in attaining their college degree. I have also realized that they are highly paid by the pixilated because they belong to the top students of the best university in Dallas. So I have learn that if I fatality to be employed by the most famous law sign in the Philippines, I have to work hard to be one of the best students in my future law school. I have also learned that for me to be highly paid by my employer in the future I must be one of the bar top-notcher. Though I do not promise to be this in the future but it made me realized that trying can alw ays be the best solution.Third, I have seen in the story that when Scott was constitute to be the lawyer of Shawanda who is a slander and a dose addict that he did not truly hope that she is innocent. I have realized that most of the best lawyers are not usually the best when it comes to their jobs as a lawyer because a lawyer must not judge their guests but must always put their clients to be innocent. I have learn that when a lawyer what to prove her client innocent, he must first of all have combine and belief of her clients innocence from the crime. It is all crucial(p) because when you as her lawyer do not believe that she is innocent because she might lose her confidence and preferably force to tell a lie and may give way a greater mistake.Fourth, I have also seen in the story that when Scott was about to lose everything, he did not care or think about his family or what could happen to his family. Although Scott was just being kind, he just cared for his client an d even doing the right thing but for me family is the most important thing in the world. I would not want to give up everything just for my clients but instead I would fight all these circumstances just to defend my family from all of these. I have realized with this that there is no purpose of winning a pillowcase if you do not have a real and complete family to celebrate with. I have learned from this that when I become a lawyer in the future I would do everything to defend my client and do the right thing but in a right way. Fifth, I have realized from the story that they portrait or set forth lawyers as cheaters, dishonest, and im sober. I think that this is not a good example to those young aspiring lawyers to be.I have learned that as of today being a student aspiring to be a lawyer in the future, I would do my best to pr deportice law in a observant and in a moral way. I would also start to respect the law by putting beau ideal first so I would be guided on what is best way to act without being a distraction to the society. I think that if lawyers do the right thing with good and moral intention then we could have a peaceful society and justice would be given fairly. I have learned that being a lawyer with good moral personality is what a lawyer should be lofty of and not the multiple numbers of cases he had won because at the end of the day people do not usually care about you but you instead could make yourself royal of what you did.I have seen that Scott did not totally believe in Gods grace on how he would handle with his lifespan. I believe that God is the center of everything so we must put him first in everything that we do. I believe that with every profession when you just trust God, he would help you be the most successful person. I have seen from Scotts situation that he did not trust God or pray for Shawandas life to be reformed but instead he judged her until the end. I have learned from it and I promised myself that when I becom e a lawyer I would definitely put and trust God first in every case that I would encounter. With this inspiration I would be able to abide and follow the law in a right way.VOIR DIRE is a legitimate phrase meaning to speak the integrity.I really think that these words are the most important thing to be remembered in practicing the law. I have learned from the book that being a lawyer you must first put in headland or practice to speak the the true because as a lawyer you stand to be the leader of the law. I also think that if you speak the truth then the truth would prevail. similarly speaking for the truth is a way of respecting the rules of the law and yourself. I also think that if you have this within you then you will also be spoken by the truth by others. I learned that in a court of justice trial people do not usually want to hear the truth and just cared about winning the case but when one speaks of the truth then we would have a peace of mind, heart and a clean consc ience. I believe that professors should not lone(prenominal) educate about the subject matter but must educate their students to be a lawyer who has dignity to stand for the truth. I also believe that a parent should teach and practice their children to tell the truth because they might turn out to be lawyers in the far future.I am thankful that we were tasked to read this book because it made me realized so much about how lawyers act and deal with different cases that they had encountered. I have now learned how they worked, how they re overlay and conform to those evidences about the plaintiff without complicating things. I have also learned how a case works on a real court, how suspects and the witness is asked about the case. I now know how the lawyers asked each witness facts out of the blue and find out the real suspect. And because of this book I have now learn so much on how to be a check lawyer and not follow the footsteps of those lawyers who are deceitful and dishone st. Now I know how to deal with suspects that are involved in criminal cases by respecting and not judging them with what other people think of them. I have realized that I should be different to make a mark and be cognize to people and my clients in the future by my good moral character.I have also learned that when I become a lawyer, I would not do something deceitful, dishonorable or immoral just to win a case and make a lot of money but I would do the right thing even though I wont be remembered from it. After reading the book I have fully made up my mind that I would be taking up law school. I promised myself to study well and make my parents proud of me. I think the book stand as an inspiration to me to become a best and better lawyer than those describe by the book. I want to be different from them because I see their life unhappy and not contented with what they have. I hate how the lawyers wanted to be the best and even more, I think it is childish because when youre a la wyer you should be proud of what youre capable of and make the most out of it or you should learn from every mistake you take and be better.But notwithstanding the wrong this Scott Fenney had done in the past, I still worship him and wanted to be like him in the future because it taught me that his intelligence got him to his dreams. Also I idolized him because he fought for the right and defended her client even if she is known to be a prostitute and a drug addict. I idolized him for turning his mistakes and made it right by leaving his past life from being one of the rich citizens of Dallas. I also idolized him for being a responsible son to his stupefy because although his mother was on the spur of the moment, he did his best to rich his mothers dream for him to have and reach everything they had in mind together.And lastly, I want to be liked him because although he was not a very good hubby to his wife because he did not crack his wife from leaving him still he was a goo d and the best father to his daughter Boo. He did a great job taking care of his daughter and making her part of his line of achievement by sharing how his job works. He also inspired me because he help and let Pajamae stay at their home despite the fact that she is black and a daughter of a prostitute and a drug addict. Brilliant lawyers without rich clients are worthless(prenominal) to large law firmsI think this is true because being in a large law firm you have to maintain the amount of money you contribute. Also in a law firm you have partners who trust you by bringing their firms name but of course you have to pay back. This is why you owe the firm for giving you clients because clients does not directly go and see a personal lawyer but they trust a big law firm where they can be sure not to be disappointed. Also lawyers that are less brilliant and less intelligence with rich clients are still worthless or useless because all though you will still be paid large still clients would not be satisfied by the last result and does want to go back.I think that being a good lawyer is better than being a rich lawyer but you suffer with your criminal or fraudulent actions. When I become a lawyer I would first make sure and review my actions before I multiform my career with money. I believe that my reputation and my character is the best thing that I can be proud even without money. I may be poor by this belief or idea but being a lawyer can be a great value as money is. I also believe that this will find me happiness and peace but money will only buy happiness temporarily. Being a lawyer with a good heart will be permanent to my being. I know that if I would just do what a lawyer should really do I would be blessed by my clients that can see my efforts and pay me good money. With this I know that I have worked hard for that money and not earn a lot of money for something I did not do. I want be paid by my hard worked and efforts that I had invest than being paid and never returned the worth.I have also realized that maybe someday I would enter politics and maybe become one of the senators in the Philippines but that I can sure that when such time comes I would definitely return the favor for putting me in a great position. I would stay in the position as a fair senator who will do everything for the better of the society. I would not be like Senator McCall in the story that buys everything with money and expect to cover up all the bad informations about him. In real life when we commit mistakes we should not cover it up but instead we ask for forgiveness to those who we had hurt and learn from it. mint will understand and eventually forgive you in time because we all know that nobodys perfect and we all make mistakes.I think the book is good because it made lawyers see what a true lawyer is from lawyers who are just pretending to be the best but they really are foolish. I also like how the book portrayed and describe every detail how the characters are because we learn from their characters. Just like Rebecca who is ambitious and was just after the money that Scott can offer.She does not even make Scott feel loved because she does not allow him to touch her. I did not also liked her character because she did not appreciate how Scott worked hard just to give her what she dreamed of, from a mansion, car, dresses and a great husband who loved her so much. And lastly, her character of leaving his child and husband for a golf boy who does not have anything to offer her and she is not even sure that he really love her or just for money. She was not a good example to her daughter for how she acted in times of worst which might happen and followed by her daughter. She should have said sorry to her daughter for leaving them not saying goodbye because she is better without her, a child would not understand that.SummaryScott Fenney, a successful lawyer who knows how to bend the rules, get the hang the creative skills of b eing a lawyer and a lawyer who makes lots of money from it. He receive as a top student from SWU. He has a wife Rebecca and a daughter named Boo. They lived merrily and peacefully at a mansion at Highland Park and he drives a Ferrari. He works at the Ford Stevens Law firm and earns half and more than a million in a year. The Ford Stevens Law firm is known to be the best law firm in the state. He is a corporate lawyer who represents corporations and never represented an individual person convicted of crime.A case was broadcast to the globe news about the murder of Clark McCall who is the son of the Senator Mack McCall in Dallas, Mexico. Clark McCall was found dead in his bedroom fling above his left eye and the murder was suspected to be the prostitute Shawanda Jones who has been with him on the day he died. The case does not involve Scott and his life was perfect until Judge Buford appointed to be the lawyer of Shawanda Jones to defend her from the crime of murder. He visited Sh awanda from the jail and he witness that she is a heroin addict. He asked Shawanda about the crime and what happened. Shawanda told her story to Scott that she was picked up by Clark at Harry Hines Boulevard and was promised to be paid a thousand dollars to spend a night with him.They then arrived at Clarks hardened and to his bedroom but then Clark started to slap her that she in return punched him in the eye and kicked him in the balls, that he fell to the floor and she took her thousand dollars and his car keys and drove herself back to Harry Hines and left the car there. Scott asked her why was her weapon used in the crime scene, she then explained that it might have slipped from her purse when she was in a rush from getting away. Scott then asked her why she does she carry a gun in her purse, she then answered that she lives in the project where your life may be in danger anytime. Scott did not believe at that time, he believes that when your gun is the murder weapon of the c rime scene then you must have done it.Dan Ford owner of the Ford Stevens Law firm is the personal lawyer of Senator McCall and was told that he should convinced his lawyer to declined or put down the case. Dan then told Scott that it would not be good for the Law Firms sign to engage in a case of murder because they represent known associates of a corporation. He warned Scott that it would ruin his career to represent a prostitute. Scott also did not want the job appointed to him and wanted to cast another lawyer Bobby as a substitution. Bobby is a criminal defense lawyer but is not a very successful lawyer, he even envy and is jealous of Scotts successful career because he does earn much as his friend do. He accepted the job offered to him by Scott but when they represented to court and told the judge about the substitution, Shawanda had a choice to choose which lawyer she wants to represent her and she still chose Scott. So Scott had no choice and pursued with the case despite the allegations and warnings about his career.Shawanda is a black charwoman who has a daughter named Pajamae who was left at their house at the projects. Scott was asked a favour from her to check on Pajamae and to bring her in jail to see her mother. The projects is a wild place in Dallas where black people lives and where troubles usually happen. He took Pajamae to her mother in jail and he was afraid to go back, so he decided to let Pajamae stay with his family in Highland Park where he has a daughter kindred as her age. His wife Rebecca did not like the idea about it but his daughter Boo did want to have a sister and she got along well with Pajamae.During the months before the trial, they gathered every facts and evidence to defend or prove Shawanda innocent. They investigate Clarks accent and found out that he has a floor of alcohol and drug abuse, also some allegations of rape. I was brought to court about the issue then Senator McCall got provoked of what Scott turned ou t to be. So the next following days Scott began to lose his car which was going to be taken away by the bank he owned a bestow to. accordingly he needs to pay his bills but he was running out of cash.He was okay with losing everything because he knows he has clients who pay him half and more millions in a year but when he went to see his client Tom Dibrell, he was shocked that Tom is firing him. He blamed everything to Senator McCall but when he went to see and ask his boss Dan Ford to tell the bank to give him more time to pay his loan but Dan refused and Scott was confused but he then eventually connect the dots that Dan was the one behind all that is happening to him. Dan asked him again to put down the case but Scott refused then he was fired from the firm which was his only resort with his life problems. After losing everything he owned, his wife Rebecca left him because she cannot longer take the discomposure and what people would think.After everything that had happen he t hought to himself to do his very best to prove to the public that he is a good lawyer and he can prove that despite Shawandas background she is innocent. They gathered name of some girls that Clark may had rape or sexual harassment but only one of the girl responded and wanted to be a witness. Hannah Steele did not file charges and damages when the time she was despoiled because she was scared and blackmailed by McCall so he kept quiet for a long time. They kept her named until the final trial because she is the only solution to prove that Clark was a rapist and a racist.The month of august was about to arrive but they are still not yet ready for the trial because they got only one witness and no other evidence about Shawandas innocent and to prove that Clark is a rapist and a racist. They had a last resort who is Carl an assistant of Bobby where he is investigating Clarks background to gather other witness. So Scott and Bobby had only one blast who is Hannah Steele who apparently r efused to speak on the day of the trial. and so Scott did not know what to do, what to ask the witness of the other side of the case just to defend Shawanda.Then right after he was losing hope on winning the case, Carl arrived at the court and presented an envelope to Scott which has the flights from capital letter to Dallas on the day Clark was murdered. The trial go on, Scott asked and listened to witnesses who are police and Fbi who were present on that day. He then realized after listening and seeing all the pictures of Clarks murdered body that Shawanda was left-handed and that Clark was shot on the upper part of his right eye. So Scott made a realization that the murderer was a right-handed which is not Shawanda. So he gathered and reviewed all the flight documents from that day and found Clarks flight and a related person to him was on a flight just next to his schedule flight.The person related to him on the next flight with the same destination as him was Delroy Lund who is a date of his father Senator McCall. When Delroy was asked on court about his presence on the day Clark died he said he was in Washington with the Senator. Then when Scott presented the documents and asked him why was his name registered with his drivers license number, he answered and made an alibi that he forgot about that day. Then he accidentally denied killing Clark but called him something foolish and the court suspected that he is the murderer. The court suspected and found him guilty of killing Clark because he really has abuse and jealousy from Clark and he followed him that day because she suspected that Clark was going to do something foolish again.